We had another one-day, three round Infinity tournament this last weekend, our first of 2017. We had two players come over from Vancouver on the ferry to play with us, which was awesome, and while we only had eight players total it was a good event overall.
I did the terrain for two of the five tables, and other players put the other three together.
I didn’t get any in-play photos during the tournament, but I did get some reference shots of some of the tables when we set them up on Friday night! See the captions on each picture for a few details!
Space Station, other side. Click for larger.
Space Station – my ongoing space station setup. Click for larger.
Military Outpost, photo 1. Click for larger.
Military Outpost, photo 2. Click for larger.
YJ Village Square. This one got rearranged slightly and filled in around the edges before it was played on. Click for larger.
YJ Village Square, photo 2. This one got rearranged slightly and filled in around the edges before it was played on. Click for larger.
Overview, showing the two tables in the foreground that we set up on the morning of the tournament, which I didn’t have time to get separate photos of! Click for larger.
Somewhere along the way the default tabletop setting for a game of Infinity became “futuristic urban/quasi-urban environment”, which is as true of most of our tables locally as it is anywhere else, but the game does have a full and interesting set of terrain rules and even tries to include things like zero-g, hazardous environments, and similar.
With that in mind, I finally pulled the box of jungle terrain that I’d built a few years ago for pulp gaming out and we set that up for Infinity this weekend for our first tournament event around here.
Looking across the jungle toward the Tohaa positions. Click for slightly larger, as usual.
The platforms are lasercut MDF from the collection of one of the other local Infinity folks, and they look good adding a sci-fi touch to the jungle. Jungle is hard to move through, obstructs shooting but does not block it entirely, and makes things like spotting a bit more difficult. It makes for a great change from our usual urban jungle, and I’ll be taking the box o’ jungle terrain to many more Infinity sessions in the future.
Going back to talking about our grandly-named “Vancouver Island Open” Infinity event, we wound up with six of us playing, with a decent mix of factions represented. I came a solid third with a Hassassin Bahram force; here’s the rankings:
Jeremy – 2/14/337 Nomads
Jaime – 2/10/397 Yu Jing
Brian – 2/7/353 Hassassin Bahram
Nicholas – 1/10/390 Nomads
Stewart – 1/8/468 Tohaa
Chris – 1/4/344 Caledonians
The numbers are Wins/Total VP/Total Surviving Army Points. Total Wins determined basic standing, with VP and then Points being used to break ties. One thing I thought was interesting is that only two of us ran Sectorials, with four of the six opting for “vanilla” Faction lists.
We’ve got another event scheduled for the end of November, about a month from now, and hopefully we can get a regular round of events up and running locally!
Allow me to end with some 80’s hair and music with a highly appropriate title! [su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1tj2zJ2Wvg”]