Photos from September 2003 of GZG 25mm & 15mm United Nations Space Command troopers (in Martian Legion camo) and Alien-movie aliens from FreiKorp.
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Category Archives: Galleries
A category for posts containing or about the galleries of wargaming photos on this site.
SG2 Gallery #3 – 25mm SF
These were the first 25mm figures I ever painted, sometime in the first half of 2002; I’ve still got them but haven’t used them in years. GZG never have published their “Full Metal Anorak” skirmish rules, either…
As always, click for full/larger view, but keep in mind that Old Web images ain’t that big! (if I ever find the original scan files, I’ll see about modern large images!)
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SG2 Gallery #2
More 15mm stuff from 1999-2000. Click for full/larger view.
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SG2 Gallery #1
More old photos, from 1999-2000. As always, click for full/larger views. Although these are from the Old Days of the web, so they’re not huge images even “Full Size”…
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Dirtside II Gallery
A blast from the past – a few photos from a Dirtside II game way back in 2000. I’m still in touch with both guys in the first photo, and we still game together when circumstances allow.
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Pulp Gallery On Flickr
I have a set over on Flickr for all my pulp wargaming photos – check them out.
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