More old photos resurrected – this time a few from a Fantasy Rules! 2nd Edition game we played years ago. Human medieval knights & footmen vs orcs and goblins with necromancer help. I’m pretty sure this was the first outing of Tony’s undead; years later he’s finally got enough to field an all-undead army without help from my figure collection.
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All posts by Brian Burger
Fantasy Gallery #1
15mm fantasy figures, based for Hordes of The Things (HOTT) or Fantasy Rules! (FR!). Many of the figures are long-out-of-production Ral Partha 15mm (from when they held the AD&D license, before WotC bought AD&D from TSR and started producing plastic crap); the rest are a mix of Reaper & Ral Partha 25mm monsters and Chariot 15mm (now produced by Magister Militum/Navigator.
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Pizza Box 25mm Skirmish Scenery
PIZZA BOX SCENERY: This 25mm science fiction scenery was inspired by a 25mm pirate tavern from a now-vanished webpage. That one was designed for a tavern-brawl skirmish; mine is designed for SF skirmishing on space stations or other large indoor facilities. The two pizza boxes still fold up for travel & storage, and the various walls, columns & partitions were carefully laid out so they’d mesh together when the box was closed.
The interior walls are mostly matte board, which is strong and thin – and it was on sale very cheap at a local art supply store! The hazard striping, signs & other decorative bits were printed off on my colour inkjet, and created in Photoshop. Some of them are available free on the Sci-Fi Signage post.
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SG2 Gallery #4 – UNSC & Aliens
Photos from September 2003 of GZG 25mm & 15mm United Nations Space Command troopers (in Martian Legion camo) and Alien-movie aliens from FreiKorp.
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SG2 Gallery #3 – 25mm SF
These were the first 25mm figures I ever painted, sometime in the first half of 2002; I’ve still got them but haven’t used them in years. GZG never have published their “Full Metal Anorak” skirmish rules, either…
As always, click for full/larger view, but keep in mind that Old Web images ain’t that big! (if I ever find the original scan files, I’ll see about modern large images!)
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SG2 Gallery #2
More 15mm stuff from 1999-2000. Click for full/larger view.
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SG2 Gallery #1
More old photos, from 1999-2000. As always, click for full/larger views. Although these are from the Old Days of the web, so they’re not huge images even “Full Size”…
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Dirtside II Gallery
A blast from the past – a few photos from a Dirtside II game way back in 2000. I’m still in touch with both guys in the first photo, and we still game together when circumstances allow.
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Links: Ground Zero Games
The collected links from the old-format site for Dirtside II, Stargrunt II and Full Thrust, all from Ground Zero Games.
In need of weeding and there’s probably some duplicates! Updated 9 June 2011. If you have updated or new links to suggest, please contact us!
Dirtside 2 & General GZG Links
- Ground Zero Games Online Store
- GZG-L Mailing List Archive.
- FTJava is a Play-by-email (PBeM) client for playing Full Thrust. A lot of fun, but rather neglected the last few years.
- GZG Pedia Project Homepage – central location for ‘pedia and other projects to flesh out and add to the GZG background.
- Germ Warfare is an entertainingly different wargames site, with DS2 information & very cool 6mm paper buildings to download.
- Andy Cowell’s Dirtside II website.
- John Atkinson’s Nea Rhomaioi Empire pages – force compositions & vehicles for his own addition to the background of DS2/SG2/FT.
- Tablegamer does various GZG-related posts; most recently 15mm stuff for SG2.
- Yves’ Gaming Resources has a downloadable DS2 chit-drawer for your PC.
- Jerry Han’s Starship Jockey FT Site.
- Etranger: The Militaries of 2300AD has dozens of descriptions and TO&Es of futuristic militaries. Designed for the 2300AD universe, but full of useful information for any SF gamer.
- Full, including the former FT Computer Core lots of interesting FT & GZG stuff.
- Nyrath the Nearly Wise (and Entirely Indispensible) does the 3-d Starmaps for the GZG universe. Also a very cool site generally.
- MapSymbs — TrueType NATO military symbols & other military fonts. Very useful!
Stargrunt II
- is the best SG2 website going. Lots of information, photos and other stuff, and still growing!
- Alan Goodall’s HyperBear SG2 Pages has SG2 scenarios and photos, and the Bugs Don’t Surf Phalon Rules (beta release).
- Laserlight’s has a variety of SG2 information, including TO&Es, and a nice layout.
- Germ Warfare is an entertainingly different wargames site, with DS2 information & very cool 6mm & 25mm paper buildings to download.
- The Firing Line is Brendan Robertson’s FT/SG2 site, with some information on the OUDF (Australia/NZ/South Pacific islands in the GZGverse.)
- John Atkinson’s Nea Rhomaioi Empire pages – force compositions & vehicles for his own addition to the background of DS2/SG2/FT.
- Stargrunt 40k has a conversion scheme for using GW 40k forces in SGII.
- Agis Neugebauer has amazing galleries of his own miniature painting, including FT ships.
- Etranger: The Militaries of 2300AD has dozens of descriptions and TO&Es of futuristic militaries. Designed for the 2300AD universe, but full of useful information for any SF gamer.
- World Rank Insignia – just in case you want to go completely insane and paint rank badges on your 25mm or 15mm figures! Actually, this is an extremely well done site.
Full Thrust Links:
- StarRanger – Starship Combat News — an excellent site for all sorts of space games, both miniatures and boardgames.
- — still one of the best FT pages out there. Home of the FT FAQ.
- Starship Jockey is Jerry Han’s excellent FT site.
- is the homepage of the Traveller Power Projection group, who are using FT as the basis for a new Traveller-universe starship game. PP: Escort & PP: Fleet are both out now.
- BITS UK Ltd (British Isles Traveller Support) are the publishers of Power Projection.
- The GZGPedia is a player-driven project to flesh out the GZG universe.
- The Unofficial Full Thrust WWWpage is Mark Siefert’s excellent & long-running FT site, with lots of resources & links available.
- Beware the Beast of Aaarrggghh is Beth Fulton’s very nice gaming site – great FT starship pictures in her gallery. (Currently offline. Got a link?)
- The Firing Line is Brendan Robertson’s FT/SG2 site, with some information on the OUDF (Australia/NZ/South Pacific islands in the GZGverse.)
- NIFT – Noam Izenberg’s Full Thrust contains the FT Weapons & Defences Archive, and his New Isreali background, among other great resources.
- Germ Warfare is an entertainingly different wargames site, with FT and DS2 information & house rules.
- Laserlight’s Homepage has some ship designs, homebrew background information, and other stuff, with a nice looking layout.
- Roger West’s GZG Pages has some FTFB ship designs, house rules, and a good links list.
- Spinward Stars has FT fonts and play-aid graphics available.
- Agis’ Miniatures Page has some incredibly well-painted minis, including FT ships.
- The Starship Graveyard Scenario has been used as an FT convention game; it uses lots of recognizable science fiction vessels to get new people interested.
- Tom’s Spaceship Miniatures & Game Lists
Pulp: Styracosaurus for .45 Adventures
Rattrap Production’s .45 Adventures has an excellent supplement called “Valley of the Thunder Lizard”, filled with dinosaurs, dino-men, Neanderthals and other Lost World fodder. It’s definitely my favourite 45A supplement, and it sees a lot of use in our 45A games.
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