Build Something Contest 2025 – Wirelizard’s Shuttle Begins

As mentioned last post, I’m in the Lead Adventure Forum’s Build Something Contest 2025. I’ve entered a few over the decades, finished my entries in even fewer, and ever gotten out of the first round of voting, so we shall see, but it’s always a great contest to watch even if you aren’t participating.

My BSC2025 thread is here; the entire BSC sub-forum with every other entry is here. It’s day one, there’s not a lot there yet, but some very talented people have been making some very cool plans!

Photos to date below – today (Sat 1 Feb) I got the floor and three main walls of the cargo bay built and assembled. Engines and landing gear next, then figuring out how the actual skin of the shuttle is going to cover all this stuff!

The main thing now is going to be maintaining momentum and not getting bogged down in overthinking this damn thing. Onward!

3 thoughts on “Build Something Contest 2025 – Wirelizard’s Shuttle Begins”

  1. Wow, I haven’t even started and you already made good progress… I better pull my finger out…

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