I picked up a few things from Fenris Games back in June or July, and the first pieces are finally getting completed and onto the gaming table!

These are “Viking Runestones 2” from Fenris, cast in pale grey resin. Each is about 2″ tall. The carved runes on the front are very finely detailed; I wouldn’t be surprised if they had been laser engraved on something (thin acrylic?) and that was then embedded in putty or something to make up the rest of the stone.

I’ve got a few other bits and pieces from Fenris in progress. All of their stuff is really high quality, their range is huge, and shipping was fast. Highly recommended!
Good stuff Brian; I like the old faded paint effect on the stones and the basing. I have been really happy with the Fenris stuff I have got so far; well sculpted and cast pieces.
Great looking stuff.