Blood Bowl Action!

I posted way back in early December about the Blood Bowl pitch and scenery I was working on, and it’s been in use regularly in the months since, but in all that time I’ve never managed to get a photo of it in action!

Here we go, finally.

Blood Bowl pitch & pitchside scenery in use. See text for details, click for larger.

At centre is the scoreboard, which also has a scatter diagram engraved in the tiles of the courtyard area. There should be magnetic sheet number panels up on the stone backdrop to show the score, but I left them at home (derp) so the d6 is showing the 1-0 score at present.

Either side of the scoreboard structure is each team’s dugout and tracking area – three tracks for First Half Turn, Second Half Turn and Re-Rolls, and the usual three dugout spaces behind for Reserves, KO’d and Casualties.

The whole Blood Bowl setup is at that mildly irritating “80% done and usable but not really finished” stage; the fabric pitch itself needs a couple of passes of green and brown spraypaint to get a bit of a grassier look going on, then masking and spraying for the white pitch lines. I also want to do a Lizardman team logo at the centre of the pitch, and possibly team name in the endzones, so that’s more masking and spraying.

The pitch-side pieces need at least one more coat of drybrushing, then flocking, vines and various greenery to complete the desired jungle temple look.

I’m actually starting to build a whole new scoreboard structure, the same footprint but quite a different design that will, among other things, incorporate a Weather indicator as well as the score and scatter markers. Photos of that later this week, probably.

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