Spent the morning doing a few bits of last minute prep for my Russian Civil War game, mostly putting the finishing touches on the field gun and crew. Headed up to the convention site a few hours before it opened so I could get my pass ahead of time and avoid the 45 minute wait at the official doors time, then loitered in a coffee shop until just before the doors opened.
Going to the will-call pre-con ticketing turned out to be a good plan, as the lines were fairly long at the ticket door!
The evening session was taken up with a fairly quick, highly entertaining game of pulp racing run by Corey; the rules are super light, less than a page, and consist mostly of “roll something and make sh*t up, then everyone crashes!”. Scatter dice, FUDGE dice, card-based activation and possibly averaging dice are involved. Corey claims to have been sober when he wrote the rules, but I have my doubts. I ran over a skunk, an escaped circus elephant narrowly avoided being very large roadkill, one or two sheep weren’t so fortunate, and ultimately Our Hero crashed, his car nudged from behind by a Comically Evil Henchperson, and was unable to prevent the Dastardly Villain from marrying the Tragically Brainwashed Heroine. Pulp silliness ensued, in other words.
I even remembered to take photos, and one or two of them even turned out OK!

It was a fun game. The rules were (re)written last night after my notes disappeared. I made up a bunch of stuff on the fly, but it moved quickly and ended well. Ok, it ended badly for the Hero, but he will fight anoher day. Too bad about the girl though.
The scenery is missing a few pieces that would have made it even more fun, including a one-lane bridge and a road that splits around a tree…