Brian already gave a nice little AAR of our last game, but I thought I would make it a little interesting. Sadly my primary machine has been on the fritz for a bit now, so photo editing is a slow process (I own a Canon 40D and shot in RAW). But given I just bought a new 60mm macro lens, I figured I just needed to share:
Early in the game, the Red armoured car:

My Lledo truck with Brian’s armoured car and Model T in the background, about to unload Red Sailors:

…who promptly get chopped apart by my White cavalry.

The White baggage train (my Copplestone Yaks and Brian’s White infantry), right before…

…the Red armoured car chopped with up with its twin machine guns. It was ugly.

The end result fo the game is that we each massacred one part of the other force, but I got the General off, so a (very) minor White victory.
I have some Copplestone Chinese on the painting table, so soon we will have a fourth side