I have finally got the pictures from the Amulet of Fire game at Dak’Kon. This is the second time the game has been run (the first was GottaCon in February, the third will be this weekend at Trumpeter Salute) and the last time we will likely run .45 Adventures 1st edition. The con itself was great and I have also posted some images from the Savage Worlds Tournament in another flickr set.

The Amulet of Fire is a basic hunt for a MacGuffin, in this case, the aforementioned amulet, across two very different terrain sets. There ended up being four teams, the three new players, who had never even tried .45 Adventures before, taking the White Russians, Red Russians, and British, while I ran Pierre LeMembre, the big game hunter.

The fight through the jungle outpost ended up largely being a three-sided fight, with my hunter taking the occasional pot shot at anybody. In true pulp form, Pierre’s dog died, in one spectacular cleave from Ivana Rumpalotski, the White Russian temptress.

The real fun began with the move from the jungle to the mesa. As the White Russian player had managed to get off the board first, he started first on the mesa. He opted to attempt to block the rock by pulling his truck up in a sharp turn. Hilarious failure due to some truly horrendous rolling ensued, leaving us the White Russian truck athwart the road, upside-down, with the two flunkies dead in the front, Ivana’s legs broken and the good Colonel unconscious. (In game terms, I had the White player roll a check to pull the maneuver off, which he failed, then a high/low roll to see if would roll, which he failed, then a d6 to see the number of rotations, which a WS 2 hit per rotation. He rolled a 5. Ouch).

Sadly time constraints ended the game here, just as the Red Russian had finally gotten his first character into the underground tombs, but given the British were still just advancing up the stairway and Pierre was stuck fighting the White Russians, whose Ivana was attempting to take out the tires of Pierre’s truck with her sword, the Red’s probably had it in the bag.

Overall, it was a great game and it was fun to introduce new players to pulp. Sadly we were the only non-GW miniatures game there, but we easily had the most spectacular scenery.
Love the zeppelin ladder!