A close view of the front of a Phalon Saath-class Great Warrior (battledreadnought-equivalent).
A Tyaph Protector (Frigate-equivalent, on the left) and a Dinth Protector (Heavy Destroyer equivalent, on the right) glide through space.
A Saath Great Warrior (Battledreadnought-equivalent) and it’s Huulth Warrior (Medium Cruiser-equivalent) escort move in close formation.
Phalon squadron in deep space. Clockwise from top: Saath class Great Warrior (BDN), Tyaph class Protector (FF), Dinth class Protector (DH), Tyaph, Huulth class Warrior (CC), Tyaph.
Three Phalon Dinth-class Heavy Destroyers coast in low orbit around an Earth-like planet.
‘Mars’ got several coats of burnt umber ink then a white polar ice cap, while ‘Earth’ was painted more slowly and in layers – oceans first, then land and polar icecap after the oceans were dry, finally the clouds over everything.
The two planets are made from one six-inch styrofoam ball, bought for less than ten dollars (Canadian) at the local craft store, then cut into two hemispheres. Both were covered in a layer of plaster, the ‘Earth’ planet’s smooth and the ‘Mars’ planets much rougher and lumpier.