Photos from September 2003 of GZG 25mm & 15mm United Nations Space Command troopers (in Martian Legion camo) and Alien-movie aliens from FreiKorp.
Left to Right: Ground Zero Game 25mm UNSC hardsuit trooper, FreiKorp 15mm Combat Aliens, GZG 15mm UNSC hardsuit trooper. The FreiKorp Aliens are big 15mm, and work equally well as opponents for 25mm troops. Painting: black primer, gloss black paint, the red, purple & green ink washes to get an iridescant look, followed by a full gloss coat to get that gleaming organic look. Teeth got painted ivory white, for the menacing grin.
“Alien”-movie Aliens (xenomorphs), just the thing to get Ripley swearing! These critters are from FreiKorp in Ireland, available in N. America from Outland Games. This isn’t the best picture, but they’re nice minatures that really capture the ‘look’ of the movie’s toothy horrors. (The piece of scenery in both these photos is by Armoury, I think.)
The rest of the UNSC Martian squad, all rifle troopers this time. These guys were primed grey, painted red oxide, then given a dark red oxide ink wash. Camo was added after the wash, and consists of flecks of two rust red shades & black. All paints were Humbrol enamels.
Half a squad of United Nations Space Command Marine troopers, from Ground Zero Games, painted up in Martian camo. From L to R: rifleman, Automatic Grenade Launcher heavy-weapons trooper, rifleman, and last a SAW gunner.