These were the first 25mm figures I ever painted, sometime in the first half of 2002; I’ve still got them but haven’t used them in years. GZG never have published their “Full Metal Anorak” skirmish rules, either…
As always, click for full/larger view, but keep in mind that Old Web images ain’t that big! (if I ever find the original scan files, I’ll see about modern large images!)
My usual ‘studio’ picture – this time, a cardboard box and piece of felt on the back porch! Camera was my usual Minolta SE-5 SLR, with 200ASA Kodak print film. I use screw-on close up lenses to get right into the figures, and a little tabletop tripod to steady the camera. Sunlight really does provide the best lighting, even when it’s not really bright out.
Another GZG teenager chats to a redhaired civilian. (Both Street Level range figures)
GZG’s ‘Desert Farmer/Survivalist’, a very cool figure with lots of detail. Rifle under one arm, gas mask under the other, mirrorshades, a big backpack – he’s set for whatever comes his way! (from SL-6, as mentioned above)
Left, a pilot from the Street Level range, chatting up a teenage starship cadet from the same range.
Two well armed GZG civilians. The guy on the left has three guns – an assault rifle, a bulky machine pistol, and an autopistol holstered under his trenchcoat. The right-hand guy just has a rifle with a fancy scope on the top. (Left is SLS-25 Bounty Hunter w/ Two Guns; right is SLS-1 Adventurer w/ Bullpup Rifle)
An off duty starship crewman hopes to get closer to a statuesque blonde in an outlandish costume. (Yes, she’s got pointy ears…) Both GZG 25mm, one Street Level figure from SL-6 & one Gentleman’s Collectibles.
L to R: GZG Street Level civilian, pilot, and desert farmer/survivalist type. (Civilian and farmer from SL-6; the pilot is SLS-3)
L to R: Ground Zero Games’ 25mm ‘Street Level’ figures, two ship’s crew/civilians, one ‘GC’ tall lady, and another ‘Street Level’ civilian. (Two left-most and one right-most figures are all from “SL-6 – Civilians & Colonists Pack B”. The tall lady is from GZG’s Gentleman’s Collectibles line – she was the freebie figure for Christmas 2001…)