More old photos, from 1999-2000. As always, click for full/larger views. Although these are from the Old Days of the web, so they’re not huge images even “Full Size”…
Group caption from the original gallery: These photos were shot with a standard SLR camera mounting a 50mm lens with close-up lenses. Lighting was a common incandescent 100W bulb and florescent room lighting – a slight yellow tint exists in several of these photos, probably caused by the incandescent bulb. I’m going to look into a camera filter to counteract this. Film for these shots was Kodak 400 ASA colour film. (I happened to have three rolls in the fridge…) Given that these are the first miniature and close-up photographs I’ve ever done, I’m fairly satisfied. I’ve got a lot to learn about close-up photography, however…
Caption for the last four images, from the original gallery: Second Roll: All these photos were shot in direct sunlight, with the same film and camera setup as the previous roll. These photos are just a bit better than the previous batch – the lighting was better, mainly.
More old Traveller 15mm figures, OOP. L to R: Heavy weapon trooper, officer with pistol, kneeling comm trooper, rifleman, rifleman, prone sniper. (Unknown manufacturer)
A (recently) OOP Heavy Gear 20mm walker, quite modified, and still in it’s black primer coat. (2010 update: this one is still in black primer, somewhere in the lead mountain…)
Lineup of 15mm hardsuited infantry, equipped for close assaults. These are old, OOP Traveller figures by Citadel.
Close-up of a 15mm gun truck, by Alternative Armies.
My “photo studio” – a desk lamp and a small portion of desk…Setup is for the series of Drop Shuttle photos.
Part of my workbench: Rear (L to R): Alternative Armies’ guntruck; converted toy truck w/ cargo. Front (L to R): RAFM (?) Traveller 15mm figures (8 of them); GZG NAC 15mm figures.
A massive Drop Shuttle disgorges infantry.
Infantry move away from a Drop Shuttle. This model has long since vanish; I think a box of books fell on it during a move.
Four of Ground Zero Games’ 15mm NAC figures. Left to right: GMS/P trooper, SAW gunner, 2 rifle troopers. Note that these are the long-OOP first generation GZG 15mm infantry; I think the NAC troops have been rescuplted twice since.
Close-up of a GZG 15mm NAC machinegunner.
An Infantry Fighting Vehicle covers the advance of two squads across a clearing. The IFV is a converted 1/87 Roco Marder 1A2 – a West German IFV.